Friday, June 17, 2011

Great Gift Idea For Anyone or Why Not a Gift For Yourself?-The Anja Technique: The Art of Self Love - By Author Shayn Cutino

"The Anja Technique" is a five step process of life changing tools that will transform your life from unhappiness into a world of love and self-acceptance. (CD also included - with Paperback Edition)

About the Author
Shayn Cutino is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a member of the American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists, the International Hypnosis Research Institute, and the International Hypnosis Federation. Through her sessions with people from all walks of life, she discovered that the missing connection between each person and a productive life was the relationship they have with themselves. "The Anja Technique" was developed by Shayn to teach individuals how to love themselves and overcome the multitude of obstacles that attempt to block them from achieving a well rounded life.

She lives in Northern California with her husband, her two children, and two dogs, where she maintains her private practice. New Bio Shayn Cutino developed "The Anja Technique" through he sessions with individuals from all walks of life, discovering that the missing connection between each person and a productive life was the relationship they have with themselves.

You can Contact Shayn Cutino at:

"The Anja Technique": The Art of Self Love [Paperback + CD] $15.95 and Can be purchased here!

"The Anja technique": Now Available in Kindle format for $2.99 And can be Purchased Here!

You can send the Kindle format out as a Gift to anyone that has an email address!  great it is time to but a Gift for yourself!

Enjoy and Relax!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some Inspirational Words from Shayn Cutino

Every problem is an assignment designed by your soul.

Two basic rules of life: 1. Change Is Inevitable 2. Everyone Resists Change.
Remember this: When you are through're through.

Ideals are like stars, you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring sailor on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and, following them, you reach your destiny.

There is nothing deep down inside of us except what we have put there ourselves.

The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice we give to others.

Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.

Shayn Cutino
PHONE: 925- 516-2868 Call Today for a Session

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Keeping Calm in Troubling Times

The current economic recession has affected nearly every person in this country, some more directly than others. The country's unemployment rate currently stands at 9.4%, with analysts arguing daily on the 24-hour news networks whether this number might pass the even scarier 10% mark. Some cities and regions of our nation are already struggling with a much greater percentage of the population that is out of work. These painful statistics represent much more than a difficulty in keeping up with the monthly bills.

1)The stress and arguments associated with finances are placing more marriages in jeopardy.

2)High school students are reevaluating their dreams for furthering their education at a top-tier, expensive college.

3)Business owners are putting their head on the pillow thinking about how they are going to explain to the loyal employee with four kids at home that there is no longer a job for him.

4)Tough economic times have serious effects on us not only financially, but also physically and psychologically.

You really could not blame our entire country if we fell into a collective depression together!

However, we know that this attitude is not going to improve the situation.

What, then, can we do as individuals to make our lives better both on a daily basis and over time?
Breathe. The answer starts with an idea that simple. I know this suggestion may at first seem ridiculous when there are so many pressures and doubts that are swirling through your head morning, noon, and night. But, learning how to breathe correctly and allowing yourself to reach a deeper level of relaxation will promote a perspective that you may never have experienced before.

I have read news stories about some of the other approaches that people are taking in relieving themselves from the negative influence of the poor economy. Alcohol sales are up, lottery ticket sales have increased, and even department store counters are reporting more sales of perfume. We are looking for a variety of outlets either to numb our emotions or make ourselves feel better.

Why not consider an approach that heightens our self-awareness and has a much smaller impact on an already stretched budget? Just breathe.

Through the safe and effective practice of clinical hypnotherapy, you can learn some important relaxation techniques that will open your unconscious mind to act as a great healing agent.

You will be able to recognize the key sources of the tension in your life, be they the monthly bills or the growing number of pink slips in your office or the strained conversations with your spouse, and teach your mind to rethink its approach to the situation.

You really can learn to relax and take each challenge of life as it comes. Can you imagine that, even in these difficult times, you can greatly reduce the level of anxiety that is currently keeping you awake at night and preventing you from functioning during the day?

My entire professional life has been devoted to teaching others how to enhance their lives and achieve positive health. I truly enjoy working with people and I know hypnosis can work for you.

Please consider this option and find peace and happiness in your life no matter what circumstances may come. Just call me and we can get you going in the rigth direction.

Shayn Cutino
Phone: 925-516-2868Email: Shayn@ShaynCutino.comWebsite:

And do not forget, you can start relaxing today with a "The Anja Technique - the art of self love in Kindle format at $2.99. (Purchase Here)

Also, available in paperback with CD (Purchase Here) $15.95

Monday, April 25, 2011

What Type Of Services are offered by Shayn Cutino

How do you want to live your life? Do you want to improve your well-being, change a behavior that no longer serves you, or finally reach your professional objectives? If you answered yes to any of the question above, then know that I can help you attain your objectives.

Using a holistic approach, we work together to create a direct path to the subconscious mind, where all of your habit patterns and limitations are located. By removing the subconscious causes of your obstacles and road blocks, you will gain greater control of your life and increase your ability to experience success and happiness.

Areas of Application

I can help you:

Improve Your Self Confidence
Define and Reach Objectives
Overcome Relationship Difficulties
Eliminate Cigarettes From Your Life Forever!
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Conquer Fears and Phobias
Attain Your Desired Weight
Conquer Depression
Triumph Over Chronic Pain
Increase Your Self Esteem
Eliminate Insomnia
Overcome Test Anxiety
And more……

A fuller, healthier life is waiting for you! Call today to schedule your complementary consultation.

Contact Shayn today at 925-516-2868 or Contact by Email at

Shayn Cutino
Your Gateway to Change and Success
Phone: 925-516-2868

Shayn Cutino's "The Anja Technique" - the art of self love is now available in Kindle Format for $2.99 (Purchase you Copy Here)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Finally Smoke-Free ---Breaking the Chain for Life

Despite the known dangers of smoking, 47 million Americans still choose to smoke! And today, with the tough new rules to inquire Health Insurance - smoking has to be taken out of the picture.

Picture this for a moment; a co-worker arrives at work one day beaming with joy. One by one, people start to inquire why he’s so happy and he proudly announces that he just purchased a new car…the one of his dreams. As lunch time approaches, everyone prepares to go out to lunch to celebrate his new purchase. He has announced that he’ll drive and suggested that everyone meet at his car at 12:10. As you approach the new vehicle, you stop in horror. There he is, standing outside his new vehicle smoking a cigarette. Here is my point; that this person has more respect for his new vehicle than he has for himself. I’m sure all of you have witnessed a similar scene at some point and time. Why is this?

Most people who want to stop smoking are just plain tired of it, but the thought of smoking lingers and the habit prevails. They keep lighting up to satisfy their habit saboteur and instead of getting relief, they get frustration, anxiety and even ill. If you are really tired of cigarettes and smoking controlling your life, use your subconscious to kick the habit.

Did you know that the health benefits of stopping smoking start almost immediately? Check out some of the statistics:

• After 20 minutes blood pressure and pulse return to normal
• After 8 hours nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are halved
• After 8 hours oxygen levels in the blood return to normal
• After 24 hours carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and the lungs start to clear out the build up of tar
• After 48 hours there is no nicotine left in the body. Taste and smell improve.
• After 72 hours breathing becomes easier, bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase
• After 2-12 weeks circulation improves
• After 3-9 months coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as the lungs now have 10% more oxygen
• After 1 year the risk of a heart attack is halved

You have discovered that smoking is less of an addiction than it is a difficult habit to break. If harmful habits were easy to change and could be broken just by saying so, people would not have the physical and mental health problems most addictions cause. How do you know that nicotine addiction is the least of your problems? Science has demonstrated that when you do not smoke for three days there will be little or no traces of nicotine found in your blood stream; therefore, nicotine will no longer be the cause of your smoking addiction. Therefore, it stands to reason if nicotine isn't the problem it is the habit which has been ingrained in your subconscious that you need to change.

A habit is a subconscious pattern of behavior, something you do repetitively with little or no conscious control. Your subconscious has taken over the act of smoking and you don't consciously think much about it. Smoking often times just seems to happen. For example, when you light a cigarette you do not consciously think, “Now I am going to light a cigarette,” as you take a pack from your pocket. Most likely you are in the process of performing some other conscious act such as writing or talking on the phone and as you light the cigarette and begin to inhale and exhale you enjoy each and every drag until you put it out.
Even though the addiction to smoking may feel very physical, the smoking addiction has been scientifically proven to be more psychological than physical. Changing your mind to change a habit is the only method proven over a century of time to work consistently well in the removal of unwanted behavior, especially smoking!

You have little or no conscious control over the act of smoking. If you did you would already have stopped. To change a habit you need to change the pattern of your behavior from the inside out. If you want to quit smoking but just can't get smoking off your mind, your mind is no longer working for you but against you and it needs to relearn good habits.

Face it, the real cost of smoking isn’t about the dollars, it’s about your life. Shayn Cutino can be reached at 925-516-2868 to make an appointment to help you kick the habit for good.

Shayn Cutino
Behavioral Therapist - Author - Speaker

Contact Shayn today for a session (Face to Face or Phone Sessions Available)
Phone: 925-516-2868

Book: "The Anja Technique - the art of self love"
Paperback with CD - $15.95 (
Purchase Here)
Kindle Format for $2.99 (Purchase Here)

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Anja Technique - the art of self love - Watch the Video then Purchase the Book or Kindle for Yourself

"The Anja Technique" The Art of Self Love

Author Shayn Cutino

Kindle Format Price $2.99
Purchase Here

You can also purchase the paperbook HERE

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Matters of the Mind

Being unhappy, depressed, lazy, sluggish, joyful, ambitious or exuberant are all examples of habit. Whatever habits you find yourself automatically repeating each day can be changed. Pay attention to the things you are focusing on daily and ask yourself if these things are serving your purpose today.

You may have formed a habit of letting other people interfere with decisions that really matter to you, allowing them to derail you from your true purpose and the path leading to fulfillment of your dreams. Whatever activities you are pursuing, you produce chemical reactions in your body that begin in your mind. You are the creator of your emotions.

Use your mind to focus on positive results and affirm the following statements:
I already have all I need to fulfill my dreams.

I am confident, inspired and significant.

Trust your intuition each day to attain a state of bliss in your life. We are where we are because of choices we made. Art, beauty, and nature are all food for bliss. You must have heard the saying: follow your bliss and doors will open? But what is my bliss, you might ask. Oxford dictionary defines bliss as "gladness, enjoyment, perfect joy, or blessedness." So when you find yourself in a state of bliss, seize the moment and study the scene.

Bliss can come in different areas. Quiet time can truly be a window of bliss in your day. Watching birds or scenes in nature, listening to water ripple in lakes and streams, looking at a painting, beautiful flower or tree, or sitting by a river are all possible blissful moments. In the area of your leisure notice and observe yourself busy at what you love doing. It may be gardening, painting a picture, preparing food or sitting quietly watching the sky. Seize your moments of bliss and make note of them in your mind.

Buy yourself flowers and appreciate the good things in your life. Watch what you are filling yourself with. When you take beauty breaks in your day, they may last seconds, moments, or hours, but the value of the food you are feeding yourself in these blissful segments will nourish your body, mind and soul.

Follow your bliss and relaxation and elimination of stress will be your reward. Doors of opportunity will be yours to open and expand your bliss until its goodness spills over and nourishes others too.

Shayn Cutino

Phone: 925-516-2868

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shayn Cutino - Hypnosis - May be Used For a Wide Variety of Conditions

The Mayo Clinic writes:

Hypnosis is intended to help you gain more control over undesired behaviors or emotions or to help you cope better with a wide range of medical conditions. Hypnosis isn't considered a treatment or a type of psychotherapy. Rather, it's a procedure typically used along with certain treatments and therapies to help a wide variety of conditions.

Hypnosis may be used for:

1) Pain control

2) Smoking cessation

3) Reducing stress related to medical procedures

4) Mental health conditions

5) Allergies

6) Asthma

7) Surgical preparation

8) Childbirth

9) Weight loss

10) Athletic performance

11) Dental procedures

12) Coping with chemotherapy

13) Skin conditions

14) Gastrointestinal problems

There are so many uses for hypnosis and I can help you with.

Call Shayn Cutino Today @ 925-516-2868 and discuss how she can be of help!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Romantic Love Begins with Self Love Let the Anja Technique Show You How

Guest Speaker will Be Shayn Cutino

BE YOU TO FULL Blog Talk Radio Show

When: Monday, March 7 , 2011
Time: 4:00 PM (pacific) 7:00PM(eastern)

I will be joined by an amazing woman, Shayn Cutino. Working with people in a therapeutic capacity tied together Shayn’s sense of caring and strong intent to help others. Shayn guides people toward positive health and behavioral changes providing them with the motivation they seek to enhance their lives.

Shayn Cutino has been associated with the healthcare field for the greater part of her life. Continuing her education, Shayn became certified through CIHAS as a clinical hypnotherapist. She then decided to bring her private practice fill circle, graduating with honors from the Global College of Natural Medicine, and receiving her certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner.

Shayn has authored her own book entitled The Anja Technique – the art of self love and is currently working on her third release. The stress in all of our lives, as well as our emotions, plays a hefty role in our physical complaints. It is for that very reason that Shayn chose to further her education, develop her abilities and inspire others to lead a fulfilling and joyous life.

Through her work Shayn creates comprehensive solutions to inspire individuals to achieve lasting change. We will be sharing just how important it is to connect with the love inside of you, to know your powerful worth and capacity to receive as well as give love. When you know this and feel this, you are then able to more easily share this love with another in intimate relationship.

Shayn's Website is
Shayn's Blog:

Shayn's Book: "The Anja Technique: The Art of Self Love" is available in paperback for $15.95 (Which includes a CD)(Purchase Here)
or now available in Kindle Format for $2.99 (Purchase Here)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Seasonal Affective Disorder - SAD? Walk Away from the Blues

Seasonal affective disorder is a cyclical depression that occurs during the winter months, typically between November and March. It is brought on by insufficient exposure to light. As the days start to get shorter and the angle of the sun changes, the symptoms of SAD begin to appear.

It is estimated that 20% of the American adult population, or 36 million people, are affected by SAD every year. The further you live from the equator, the more susceptible you are.

As the seasons change from spring and summer to fall and winter, do you develop any of the following symptoms?

  • Diminished productivity or creativity?
  • Feeling that you have little or no control over your appetite or weight?
  • More memory and concentration problems?
  • Lower energy than usual?
  • Lowered interest in socializing?
  • Awakening feeling tired even though you are sleeping more?
  • Mood changes such as feeling more anxious, irritable, sad, or depressed?
  • Lessened ability to cope with stress?
  • Less enthusiasm about the future or reduced enjoyment in your life?

    If you answered yes to two or more of these, you may be one of the many people affected by SAD.

    SAD can be aggravated by reduced light outside during winter months and by spending too much time in indoor environments that have low levels of light, whether at home or at work. SAD symptoms have been reported during summer months from people who work in environments without windows. They can also occur in overly sensitive individuals at any time of year after a series of cloudy days.

    The 3 brain chemicals serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine affect how we feel, our energy level and mood. During the winter month’s people with SAD tend to crave sweets and carbs. Eating large amounts of carbs usually increases the amount of tryptophan (an essential amino acid derived from protein foods) that gets into the brain. Once in the brain, the tryptophan becomes serotonin, the neurotransmitter that is so critical to psychological well-being. So, if you tend to be drawn to sweets and starches in the winter months it may be your body’s attempt to raise your levels of serotonin.

    If you have been diagnosed with SAD, here are some suggestions:

    1)Get as much light as possible and avoid dark environments during daylight hours in winter.
    2)Discuss your symptoms with your physician. If diagnosed with SAD, they may prescribe special light treatments to help relieve your symptoms.
    3)Move that body – Exercise daily, preferably outdoors taking advantage of the natural light.Rearrange work spaces near a window, or set up bright lights in your work area.
    4)Stay on a regular sleep-wake cycle. It has been reported that people with SAD feel more alert when they stick to a regular schedule.
    5)Be aware of cold temperatures and dress to conserve your energy. Many people affected by seasonal changes are more sensitive to extreme temperatures.
    6)Avoid or minimize unnecessary stress.
    7)When possible, postpone making major life changes until spring or summer.
    8)If possible, arrange your vacation during the winter months in a warm and sunny climate.

    Set up a timer in your bedroom to switch on the lights a half an hour or more before you get up. This technique has been reported to have an antidepressant effect and actually help people awaken more easily.

    Eat a good diet. Choose lean proteins such as those found in lean meat, poultry (without skin), fish, eggs, beans and low-fat dairy products. When choosing carbohydrate foods go for the whole grain varieties as much as possible including bread, pasta and rice. Eat ample salads and vegetables as well as fruit daily.

    There’s no known way to prevent the development of SAD. However, if you take steps early on to manage symptoms, you may be able to prevent them from getting worse over time. By gaining control over symptoms before they begin, you may be able to head off the serious changes in mood, appetite and behavior that can disrupt your daily life.

    For more information, go to:
    Feel Free to Contact Shayn Cutino at:
  • Phone:(925) 516-2868
  • Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Discover Help for Panic Attacks through Hypnosis

    Do any of the following situations sound familiar? You are driving in congested traffic and have to come to a sudden stop as a careless driver cuts right in front of you. All of a sudden, you are finding it difficult to breathe and you feel trapped in your own car. You are engaged in a screaming match with your spouse or partner and, seemingly out of nowhere, you begin to experience chest pains and dizziness.

    You are alone on an elevator and it comes to a screeching halt between floors. In the two minutes that the elevator takes to resume proper function, you have convinced yourself that you are going to die in that small space and no one will notice for weeks. If you found yourself nodding your head to any of these scenarios, or you have experienced something similar, you may have had a panic attack.

    There are around three million people in the United States who suffer from panic attacks, so please know that you are not alone. Panic attacks are described as one of the most distressing and terrifying conditions that a person can experience, as the symptoms can appear so suddenly and often mimic those of a heart attack or a nervous breakdown. While these attacks can last from a few seconds to several hours, most times the symptoms will exhibit themselves for about thirty minutes. There is no doubt that this half-hour of time can seem like an eternity for someone in the midst of a panic attack’s grips.

    What are some indications that you may be experiencing a panic attack? The symptoms may include; a racing or pounding heartbeat, nausea, difficulty breathing, hot flashes, trembling or shaking, feeling of choking, and fear of losing control or dying. With this in mind, it is no wonder that many first-time sufferers contact their local emergency room as quickly as possible!

    There are many reasons that certain people are more inclined to suffer from panic attacks. Panic disorders have been shown to run in families, so certainly heredity must be considered. Men and women with strong phobias may experience a panic attack when confronted with the situation or object they fear so greatly. The withdrawal process from alcohol, drugs, or other medications can cause an onset of panic as the effects of the substances leave the body.

    Finally, and perhaps a cause that is not considered often, a lack of assertiveness in an individual can cause panic attacks. When you engage in passive communication with others, you may be holding in important emotions that eventually explode in the form of an attack. While this is not an exhaustive list, many people who suffer from panic attacks will find one of these issues as the source of their condition.

    There is a safe and effective method for bringing an end to the panic attacks that cripple your life. A trained clinical hypnotherapist can introduce you to relaxation techniques that will unlock the initial source of your attack and remove that connection in your mind. You will no longer have to live in fear that certain situations or people will trigger another traumatic episode.

    Shayn Cutino
    Behavioral Therapist - Author - Speaker

    Contact Shayn today for a session (Face to Face or Phone Sessions Available)
    Phone: 925-516-2868

    Book: "The Anja Technique - the art of self love"
    Paperback with CD - $15.95 (Purchase Here)
    Kindle Format for $2.99 (Purchase Here)

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    The Anja Technique: The Art of Self Love - By Author Shayn Cutino

    "The Anja Technique" is a five step process of life changing tools that will transform your life from unhappiness into a world of love and self-acceptance. (CD also included)

    About the Author
    Shayn Cutino is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a member of the American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists, the International Hypnosis Research Institute, and the International Hypnosis Federation. Through her sessions with people from all walks of life, she discovered that the missing connection between each person and a productive life was the relationship they have with themselves. "The Anja Technique" was developed by Shayn to teach individuals how to love themselves and overcome the multitude of obstacles that attempt to block them from achieving a well rounded life.

    She lives in Northern California with her husband, her two children, and two dogs, where she maintains her private practice. New Bio Shayn Cutino developed "The Anja Technique" through he sessions with individuals from all walks of life, discovering that the missing connection between each person and a productive life was the relationship they have with themselves.

    Contact Shayn Cutino at:
    Phone: 925-516-2868